Saturday, November 26, 2011

Columnist: Joe Nocera
"Why Doesn't No Mean No?"
Many people out in the world are looking for a cure for cancer and many consider angiostatin and endostatinto be the new breakthrough. But this is only in mice and many of these seemingly great new ideas don't turn out as good as they seem. Avastin, a previous miracle thought to extend the life of patients, only worked for certain types of cancer; breast cancer was not one of them. According to the article, there was a a study said that it would extend life for patients by 5.5 months! It was given the green light to sell the drug while more research was conducted. When studied proved this wrong, it was stopped but Medicare continued to cover it. This showed how our nation is buying expensive things that do not even work and that we must learn how to say no to it.

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