Saturday, November 5, 2011

Death Penalty: Synthesis
During the course of the past few weeks of this grading period, I've taken a look at the different opinions on a major debate in America: the death penalty. From what I found, I can say that I am against this penalty. I always found it illogical to follow the old saying "An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth". I did not like the idea that we should kill those who murdered another innocent soul; it did not help anyone and the killer did not truly suffer emotionally for what he or she did. My research only enforced this view of mine. I discovered that those in charge of the executions did not always follow through with rules. Other times innocent men and women were condemed to die. Had they been sentenced to prison, they would have had a chance to live. I was also shocked with the way the execution was carried out. There would be a group of witnesses always watching, something I found revolting. How could someone watch another human die from behind a window? A human unknown to them? I would think that an eternity in prison is a much more gruesome way to go. In prison, the killer would realize his wrongs and have to live with that shame. Though it is true that the family may want to have their revenge, but if they kill the killer they are no better than the one who killed their family member. So, until I find proof that the death penalty is the only way to deal with murderers, I shall be against death row.

1 comment:

  1. Klauda-
    When you synthesize your view on the death penalty, consider that more authored sources give your own view more credibility; perhaps cite Gregory Kane's piece? With whom do you agree, disagree, qualify?

    Mr. Heller
