Saturday, October 22, 2011


The death penalty is a cruel and unjust punishment. It is not only making the country look like hypocrites, but also disrespecting a fellow human's life. There is a long and detailed process for this execution, which, according to my previous summaries, is not always followed. One stage includes bringing in witnesses to view the execution. This is that viewing room. The walls are white, pale, with no feeling or warmth. The scene is clinical and ironic aswell. The small chairs face a viewing window, that looks like a television screen. Everyone will be glued to it, watching a human life fade away as if it was a television show. In the last few seconds of life, the prisoner will be stared at rather than surrounded by family or friends. But this image also seems to say that the witnesses are not much better off. They, like the thin black strip near the wall, will have a dark mark on their soul and have to live with what they saw for the rest of their lives.

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